All of these components run in a nonblocking message-based architecture and can be run from the same or different hosts as long as they use the same message queue service. 所有这些组件都在一个非阻塞的基于消息的架构上运行,只要它们使用了相同的消息队列服务,就可以在相同或不同的主机上运行。
This can show you whether there's a problem with a component taking too long to process a message. 这种分析还可以揭示,花费太长时间来处理消息的组件是否有问题。
When asked for a passphrase, make sure to enter a reasonably long string message which contains alphanumeric characters rather than a simple password string. 要求输入密码短语时,应当确保输入的密码短语具有合理的长度,包含字符和数字,不要使用简单字串。
This will create space for long message signatures and for inserting notes, comments, or constraints. 这就为长的消息签名,以及插入标记,评论或者限制创造了空间。
On the client side, broadcasting will make all long polling requests to complete the sent message, and another long polling request is immediately sent to receive the next events. 在用户端,广播会让所有的长轮询请求来完成消息发送,并且会立即发送另一个长轮询请求来接收下一个事件。
Mail servers are often congested and may take a long time to accept a message, or may reject the connection entirely. 邮件服务器经常会拥塞,可能会要好长时间才能接收一条消息,也可能完全拒绝连接。
The high-performance message-oriented middleware ( MOM) community has long advocated intelligently disaggregating message processing tasks into smaller systems tied together to reinsure scalability. 高性能的面向消息的中间件(MOM)社区长期提倡合理地将消息处理任务分解为更小的相关联的系统,以保证可伸缩性。
You need to integrate with different suppliers and to substitute a supplier with another, without changing the OTMPS, as long as their message formats are compatible. 您需要集成不同的供应者以及替换供应者,只要他们的信息格式兼容就无需更改OTMPS。
At the Red Cross in nearby Long Beach, the message is also preparedness, since people will be on their own for at least three days after a disaster. 有关消息指出,长滩地区附近的红十字会,受灾后,灾民们要靠自己挺过至少三天的时间,所以药物和急救箱成为他们的急需品。
The new play is short on humour and long on message. 那个新剧缺少幽默感,但寓意深远。
She accepted, and sent me a long message confessing her love for me. 结果她接受了,还谢了很长一段告白。
Critics have complained that the continued commitment by the administration of President Barack Obama to support recovery in the short term and also to reduce deficits in the medium and long term constitutes a "mixed message". 批评家们抱怨称,美国总统巴拉克奥巴马(barackobama)政府做出的在短期内支持复苏、在中长期内削减赤字的持续承诺,传达出一种“矛盾的信息”。
Seems a long time for a message. 留言好像有点长了。
We talked a long time about various message interaction patterns. 我们对各种消息交互模式进行了长时间的讨论。
As long as the medium remains the message, who could object to a group of young, hopeful, concerned citizens? 只要抗议手段仍然是他们希望传递的中心思想,谁会反对一群充满希望、关心国事的年轻人呢?
He left a long message. 他留了一封很长的留言。
Long billion Internet Message version of the JSP is a rare message board open source development. 亿龙电脑网留言本JSP版,是留言板开发不可多得的开发源码。
The message for the delegated tasks is^ 1 characters too long. Shorten the message, and then send it again. 有关委托任务的消息超过允许长度^1个字符。请缩短消息的长度,然后再发送一次。
It seems that she has been absent for a long time so that nobody leave a message for her. 完了我去她页面加好友,看来她很久不上了,都没给她留言的。
It is a long road, but the message the parties set out in this meeting is that we are now ready to take on accession more seriously, Mr Niggli said. 他说:这是一条漫长的路,但各方在此次会议上传递的信号是,我们现在正准备更严肃地对待国家加入问题。
Life long again long but yearning heart, because this message is sent to you. 人生再长也长不过思念的心,因为这条短信是发给你的。
They obviously all starved to death long before the message in the bottle was ever found. 显然,在那封瓶中信被人发现以前,他们早就全都饿死了。
A4-year-old boy who released a balloon not long ago with a message hoping to find a pen pal in a foreign land ended up having a correspondence with the Queen. 一个四岁的英国男孩不久前放飞了一只带有字条的气球,他希望能找一个外国笔友,没想到最后他竟然收到了女王的回信。
Wrap long message lines to fit in window 长消息行自动换行以匹配窗口宽度
Do keep your e-mail message short. No one wants to read a long message. Give the highlights and direct the buyer to your web site for more details. 邮件要短。没人喜欢看冗长的邮件。弄些超链接让客人直接点进你的公司网站了解更多信息。
Say that you send a long mail message to a friend on the other side of the country. 假设你要向住在国内另外一个地方的朋友发送一封长的电子邮件。
The natives sent news over long distances by beating out a message on a hollow log. 当地土著靠敲击空心圆木来传递信息,他们击木为号,把消息传至远处。
Chelsea composed another long message in which she argued that Apple should have answered out of common courtesy. 切尔茜又写了一封长信争辩道,即使是出于普通的礼貌,苹果也应该答复。
Solution Scheme of Too Long Message Segment CRC校验中信息段超长软处理解决方案
Fetching messages is no longer using AJAX or long polling. You receive a message while the message is sent to you. 消息的获取不再用AJAX轮询,而是在发送消息的同时将消息直接发送给相关的用户,不必用户自己去取了。